Comprising the Townships of Zumbrota, Goodhue, Belvidere, Featherstone, Hay Creek, Florence, and the cities of Zumbrota, Goodhue, Bellechester, and the part of Lake City within Goodhue County. The district population is approximately 8,337.
Why are you running for office? Looking to the future for my family was ultimately why I made the decision to run for county commissioner eight years ago, and why I chose to run for re-election. County commissioners have a very important role in shaping the future and direction of Goodhue County. I work hard to provide every opportunity for my children and would like the opportunity to make a better future for all families in the county. I have the necessary skills with my education and work experience that allow me to understand setting and living within a budget. I know how to prioritize expenditures and how to make hard choices.
What are the three most important issues to you as a candidate? If re-elected, I will continue to make watching over the taxpayer dollar as my main priority.
Occupation: Manager, health information management, projects & systems support, Mayo Clinic.
Education: Master’s degree in education, University of Minnesota.
Why are you running for office? I have had the privilege to serve the community of Zumbrota for the past 12 years as a council member. Zumbrota continues to have one of the lowest property tax rates in the area, while funding vital services (police, fire, public works, etc.) and amenities (parks and trails), while supporting economic development in a rural community. In 2019, I had the opportunity to travel with a cohort of county board members to Washington, D.C. That trip ultimately yielded working relationships and federal and state tax dollars, funding local projects in Zumbrota. When former Commissioner Paul Drotos reached out and encouraged me to run, I knew it was the right time.
What are the three most important issues to you as a candidate?
Being a good steward of tax dollars by providing services more efficiently, transparently and cost effectively. In rural areas, collaboration and joint ventures will be essential. We are currently working on a sanitary district with neighboring communities as we look to replace four end-of-life sewer and water plants with one.
Finding alternative sources of revenue and utilize technology and systems to create more efficient workflows. Push for federal and state tax dollars to support replacing aging infrastructure, bridges, roads, etc. In Zumbrota, federal dollars led to a much-needed water looping project for future economic development. State dollars led to a very large road reconstruction project.
Sustainability. The global pandemic taught us many lessons and brought to light many issues: technology, security, remote work, and a need to replace an aging workforce are a few that top my list. These need strategy and a critical approach to ensure a successful transition, all of which are skills I bring to the role.